Time to get this ROLLING

I have been dabbling with this area, it is time to get serious about it. I am learning so please bear with me. Life around her has been quite crazy, it always is when you have children. Bear with me, I am still learning :)
Today I relearned a great lesson. This week has been extremely busy. Monday was spent getting things ready for Art in the Park, a competition for our ECTAG program. Along with my Mom visiting until Thursday and a show on Monday night. Tuesday was spent working at our old house trying to remodel it~spent the day laying tile and grouting it, along with painting the Master Bed/Bathroom, second bathroom, and the living room. Wednesday we went shopping for more supplies for the remodel, made Rice Pudding for Dinner at church. Thursday was more work on the Art in the Park prepping 600 bags for Lunch, picking up a tux & have it fitted, dance for Shelby, & dinner. And today's schedule was supposed to be super busy as well with Art in the Park working the concession stand and serving lunch, deliverying orders, helping my 16 year old son get ready for Prom by 4 PM, going by the bank, grocery shopping, and running errands. But God had other plans! It's it amazing that when we overload ourselves that God will step in and say~Whoa~slow down. When we don't give ourself rest, he shows us that He is in total control and that we just think we are. I really didn't know how I was going to do it all & now I don't have to. We received notice this morning around 5 AM that Art in the Park was postponed until Monday due to severe weather moving in. The school districts participating from area counties did not want to have their children on the roads. My lesson learned... I just thought I was in control of it~God said too much & excuse me, "I'm in control" if you won't slow yourself down, I will! God is so good :)
School is rapidly coming to an end. We only have 5 short weeks to go and they are packed full of end of the year events. My oldest is ordering his class ring next Tuesday~is he really 16 years old?? Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday that he was laid in my arms with bright blue eyes and a look of "What Now" on his face.
I saw him first in February when they said, "You have a boy," I waited long to hear these words so he became my joy.
And every time his birthday came I saw him growing tall, and then he started off to school in just no time at all.
It seemed I only turned around and he was in his teens,he went around in funny hats and his favorite holey jeans.....
We are now going into the next journey of his life~And my prayer for him is God, Bless him!
We are preparing for our daughters dance recital on May 21 & then we leave for our Disney Trip. Can't wait to have some time we can all have fun with no schedules! I won't know what to do....
Have a very blessed day~Off to get started on my to do list
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