The Stay at Home Mom
I'm afraid this is something that is dying. Too many women are out seeking to be equal to men and run the world that they don't realize the special role that they are to play in the lives of their children and their husbands. We were created to be so much more than what the world today says we should be. Too many people think that you must not be motivated, or have a lack of education, or are simply lazy if you choose to be a stay-at-home mom. On the contrary, some of the hardest working people I know are homemakers! And I can tell you that it has been the hardest job I have ever held! But oh the rewards are great.
Proverbs 31: 10-31 is a Epilogue: The wife of Noble Character. It explains are unique role as a wife and mother. One that we should honor and rejoice in, because we were made for this great role! You see, the world says this shouldn't be our role, that somehow, we are less if we choose to live by God's word and be a good wife and mother. The truth is, we are not only doing this for our family, but to honor God.
I am by no means slamming working moms. I was raised by a working mom. She worked 2 jobs, sometimes 3, in order to make sure my sister & I had everything we needed and some of what we wanted. As a single mom, she raised us to be strong, independent women that could carry the weight of the world on our shoulders and to know that we could survive anything. For that I am grateful. But it also taught me the type of mom I wanted to be. You see as a child, I was the one in the class that prayed I would have someone there for school programs, award days, open houses, etc. I knew exactly how it felt to look out and see no one there to cheer for you or praise you afterwards. I never wanted my children to have that feeling. So when the opportunity to stay at home was available I hesitated for only a moment. Yes, I worried that I would be bored, I had worked since I was 15, married at 24, had our first child at 25 and have been home ever since. But I can tell you there has never been a day that I ever thought, man I wish I was at a job.
You see, I was there for every special moment in their lives. I never had to worry about missing their first step, their first word, nor did I have to worry about calling in sick because they were running fever and couldn't go to school. I was there for play time, nap time, and always could be found on the floor playing cars or dolls with them. I was already at my job. Yes, it is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No days off, no vacations, no pay, and very little appreciation. But the rewards are too great to miss. Our pay comes from a tiny hand grabbing yours and wanting to take a walk, or small hands grabbing your cheeks and saying they love you, raspberries being blown on your cheeks, or muddy hands asking you to come make mud pies, shorts filled with sand asking you to come play in the sand box, moments when they climb in your lap asking to be rocked or sang to-priceless moments that are so precious that they melt your heart!
I can guarantee you there has never been a dull moment. When people find out you are a stay at home mom, you become the go to person, for every aspect of life, but especially for school. It started in Preschool with my first child when he started at age 3; that was 22 years ago. Through the years, I've had many titles where my children are concern; Class mom, TAG PTO, PTO, Band Mom, ROTC Mom, FFA Mom, dance mom, ball mom. Now, that my children are grown and I have no one in county schools I wonder how I did it all. I look at my schedule now and think, how in the world did I get everything done. But somehow I did!
So sister, let me tell you, if you are at home don't sweat the people that look down on you. Many of them wish they were you! You are a rare gem! Your husband and children are lucky to have you where you are. Little do they know that the days you spend with them during the years they are growing up are the treasures you are storing away for when they are grown. Enjoy your time with them while they are small, it goes by in a blink of an eye.
Just because they grow up doesn't mean that you aren't needed or wanted. I believe that our jobs are even more important. See I am forever a mom, now it's not activities I am needed for but for life lessons, helping them to maneuver through this crazy thing called life. I get to pray for them, pray they never go down a path too far without God. That God would place Godly men and women in their lives as friends and as partners. Pray that they would love their wives/husbands and children as God has loved them. I pray that God would guide them in every path of their life.
Be a Proverbs wife and mother and then be a Titus woman to those around you!
Titus 2:3-5
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