Wednesday Wisdom
Wednesday is considered "Hump Day", it falls in the middle of the week. But it is actually our day to meet in the Lord's house to be refuel and encouraged for the rest of the week. We are in Genesis, studied the flood tonight. Isn't this the way we have always viewed the ark?

When we dive into God's word we understand that by the diminsions that are given that it wasn't actually shaped like a boat, but rather a rectangle. Noah is an example of what a committment to God should look like. He was totally committed when God told him to build an Ark. He was giving Mercy for both himself and his family. He was giving a Mission~to build an Ark. Do you wonder if he worried about what everyone would think or say about him? The Bible says that he spent 160 years building the Ark...that is committment. Do we have the same kind of committment or is our committment more like if I have time I'll ...............? He was also giving a Message. This was to tell the people of his time to Repent & turn away from their sinful nature. Sound familiar? Isn't that our Mission as Christains? To bring people closer to God and help them have a personal relationship with God. Not much has changed since Noah's days, think about it. We, as Christians, are giving Mercy. Saved by Grace, the Blood of Jesus. We are giving a Mission~we are God's workmanship to do good works. We are giving a Message~the ABC's of being a Christian. God's timing is perfect! Noah didn't have to go out and gather the animals,God sent them. What would God send to us, if we were totally committed like Noah?
To defend ourselves we need to dive into God's word and put on the Armor Of God to protect us from the enemy. If we let him, he will have a louder voice that God. To fight him off~use scripture.
Saying a special prayer for the Holland Family. RIP John Holland~aka Neshoba 19. You will be missed.

God Bless,

When we dive into God's word we understand that by the diminsions that are given that it wasn't actually shaped like a boat, but rather a rectangle. Noah is an example of what a committment to God should look like. He was totally committed when God told him to build an Ark. He was giving Mercy for both himself and his family. He was giving a Mission~to build an Ark. Do you wonder if he worried about what everyone would think or say about him? The Bible says that he spent 160 years building the Ark...that is committment. Do we have the same kind of committment or is our committment more like if I have time I'll ...............? He was also giving a Message. This was to tell the people of his time to Repent & turn away from their sinful nature. Sound familiar? Isn't that our Mission as Christains? To bring people closer to God and help them have a personal relationship with God. Not much has changed since Noah's days, think about it. We, as Christians, are giving Mercy. Saved by Grace, the Blood of Jesus. We are giving a Mission~we are God's workmanship to do good works. We are giving a Message~the ABC's of being a Christian. God's timing is perfect! Noah didn't have to go out and gather the animals,God sent them. What would God send to us, if we were totally committed like Noah?
To defend ourselves we need to dive into God's word and put on the Armor Of God to protect us from the enemy. If we let him, he will have a louder voice that God. To fight him off~use scripture.
Saying a special prayer for the Holland Family. RIP John Holland~aka Neshoba 19. You will be missed.

God Bless,
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