So ashamed
That I have been neglecting my blog. Life has just be in the way. I can't believe the kids are through with the first half of the school year, it seems like they just started. I really have to learn to say no. I have let other things occupy my time and that has caused a little disorder in our lives.
School started and then I was voted in as Vice President of the TAG program. So we spent time working on the fundraisers and all the fun things that go along with it.
Then my oldest was playing football after church on a Wednesday night and we ended up in the emergency room. Where we found out that his left arm was broke right at teh growth plate at his shoulder and had two hairline fractures at his wrist. We were referred to a specialist. We feared surgery and the specialist even spoke of it but with God's blessing we skidded by. He was just released after 6 weeks of back & forth to the specialist.
Shelby was out of school with strep at the worst posstible time. She missed her assessment tests that she had to make up and then take her nine weeks tests.
Isn't it funny that when we think we can't take anymore something else happends. I firmly believe that it is God's way of saying~Excuse me~ I am here to help.
Our Sunday School class went to see Kay Arthur, Pricillia Shrier, & Beth Moore at the Deeper Still Conference in B'ham. What a true blessing that was. It was a firm confirmation that as women we are expected to play many roles but we are not helpless at all. Our God provides the strength we need to get through anything. We simply need to empty our quiver and say Yes, Lord I am willing!
It is amazing what God will show us, if we simply open our eyes to see.
God Bless~
School started and then I was voted in as Vice President of the TAG program. So we spent time working on the fundraisers and all the fun things that go along with it.
Then my oldest was playing football after church on a Wednesday night and we ended up in the emergency room. Where we found out that his left arm was broke right at teh growth plate at his shoulder and had two hairline fractures at his wrist. We were referred to a specialist. We feared surgery and the specialist even spoke of it but with God's blessing we skidded by. He was just released after 6 weeks of back & forth to the specialist.
Shelby was out of school with strep at the worst posstible time. She missed her assessment tests that she had to make up and then take her nine weeks tests.
Isn't it funny that when we think we can't take anymore something else happends. I firmly believe that it is God's way of saying~Excuse me~ I am here to help.
Our Sunday School class went to see Kay Arthur, Pricillia Shrier, & Beth Moore at the Deeper Still Conference in B'ham. What a true blessing that was. It was a firm confirmation that as women we are expected to play many roles but we are not helpless at all. Our God provides the strength we need to get through anything. We simply need to empty our quiver and say Yes, Lord I am willing!
It is amazing what God will show us, if we simply open our eyes to see.
God Bless~
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